Major Projects participated in Britain
Conceiving and compilation of the entire map content of
The Times Atlas of European History.
Conceiving, compilation and drawing the entire map content of Times Books’
Kings & Queens of the British Isles.
Compilation of about one third of the maps of
The Times Atlas of the 20th Century
, contribution to that atlas also in general as an historical cartographic consultant.
Compilation of about one quarter of the maps for
Cultural Atlas of Russia
of Equinox.
Compilation of vast majority of maps in the
Atlas of 20C
, published by Collins.
Proofreading the map content of the
Atlas of Western Art History
of Facts on File, and compilation of some of its maps.
Historical cartographic consultancy in the preparation of
Dorling Kindersley’s
Atlas of World History
. I compiled also a great number of the maps.
Compilation and drawing many maps of
European History Atlas
, and contribution to this (unpublished) work also as a consultant.
Drawing 50 of the ‘Historical Maps’ of the
Starting History
project for Scholastic.
Compilation and drawing of 63 historical maps for
Prof Richard J. Evans’s trilogy
on Nazi Germany for Allen Lane.
Compilation and drawing of altogether 70 historical maps for three volumes of
Jonathan Sumption’s
history of the Hundred Years’ War for Faber.